Bamboo has been an important resource for literally thousands of years, and it’s been put to use in a surprisingly large number of applications. We’ve seen it in homes, boats, carpets, furniture, pipes, flooring, and musical instruments. We can eat it, use it for medicine, and, of course, turn it to durable, soft thread that […]
How to Get a Better Night’s Sleep
Aaron Hobson, Cariloha Executive VP of Marketing, shared some simple ways to get better sleep at night. The National Sleep Foundation performed a survey and the results suggested that people sleep much better when their bedrooms are comfortable. In other words, if you`re having occasional trouble sleeping, it may be that you just need to […]
Why Everyone Can Love Valentine’s Day
Love is in the air with Valentine’s Day being the center of attention this month, and we’d like to take the opportunity to talk about how you can enjoy it no matter your relationship status. Although many people claim February and Valentine’s aren’t their favorite month and holiday, especially if they’re single. But, a different […]
What NOT to Do at the Gym
We’ve all had those moments at the gym when we just shake our heads and wonder, why? Is this really happening right now? Usually, it’s something you just can’t control. Other times it’s something you can and should control. Whether you’re new to the gym or an everyday regular, here are a few tips about […]
Top 54 Environmentally Friendly Articles on Pinterest
It’s 2016 and taking care of our planet has never been more in style. Millions of pinners around the world are taking part in the eco-friendly movement by sharing their favorite articles on Pinterest about going green, and these articles are receiving a lot of attention. Since Cariloha is passionate about providing clean and green […]
Cariloha Recognized as Top 10 Retailer to Watch: New and Innovative Businesses
Cariloha was recognized by Yellow Pages as one of the top 10 innovative retailers to watch. Here’s the spotlight article about Cariloha and its bamboo products. Discover 10 innovative retailers who are bringing out-of-the-box concepts into the bricks-and-mortar paradigm. From a salon success story, to a hot-body boot camp, to the flagship store of a […]
Royal Caribbean Unveils Tallest Slide at Sea
Towering more than 150 feet above sea level, overlooking the AquaTheater at the aft of the ship, the pair of side-by-side slides will release adrenalin-seeking travelers into a chilling 100-foot drop that twists and turns in a serpentine-like movement as they slide nine miles an hour, approximately, from the Pool and Sports Zone on Deck […]
Quick Guide: The Best Cruises for Couples
The best cruises for couples are the ones with the fewest families. While kids are wonderful, and there are few thing, if any, that are as rewarding as watching happy children learn and grow to maturity they do put a damper on things like romantic evenings. Dinners stop being romantic the moment the kid at […]