The Product Review Cafe recently spotlighted Cariloha bamboo sheets, towels, and shirts on its popular and growing website, which showcases health and beauty products and provides extensive details and first-hand insights into an assortment of interesting topics and products that today’s marketplace loves to read and learn about. Here’s a snip-it from the in-depth review: […]
Cariloha Boasts Bamboo Style – Review by Little Review Corner
I’m a girl of simple tastes, especially when it comes to clothing. I love classic styles and fashion has to be meshed with comfort. Cariloha ticks all of the boxes! They make really cute clothes that I know I can wear to work and to go out and about on the weekend. And comfort? They […]
Cariloha Weekend Party List – Happy First Day of Fall
Cariloha Friday! And a 2012 autumn inauguration weekend when the weather gets cooler, the days grow shorter, and the fall colors beam brighter. You’re still two months away from the Thanksgiving break, so you’ll want to take advantage of all these lesser-known, yet interesting holidays between now and then. There’s something new for everyone. As […]
Young At Heart Shares Love for Bamboo Bath Towels & Sheets
For most of us, bamboo is just a plant or decoration for our home. It may not be something we see often but when you do, I guarantee that you haven’t thought about sleeping on it! At least I didn’t until I was introduced to the luxury brand retailer, Cariloha. Cariloha is like a hidden […]
Climbing Triassic in Bamboo Fit Wear
Dear Cariloha, Here I am sporting the bamboo-fit tank while climbing in Triassic, near Elmo, Utah. Good times. Good products. The photo was taken by Justin Roth. Thanks, Kristin M. Ohio Thanks for sending us your picture, Kristin! It’s really cool. To all you Cariloha bamboo fans out there, please email us your pictures, wearing […]
Maintain Strong Abdominal Muscles in Bamboo Fitness Wear
Improving your health and fitness level through proper, regular exercise can be as enjoyable as it is comfortable with Cariloha’s bamboo fitness wear. That’s what it was designed to do and be, and Cariloha customers all over the world are putting that claim to the test and seeing positive results. Here are some abdominal muscle […]
Cariloha Weekend Party List – Happy Grandparent’s Day!
Cariloha Friday! It’s a marvelous weekend for watching sports, harvesting fruits and vegetables, and celebrating the legacy and heritage of your grandparents. My favorite season of the year is autumn – I’d take six or seven months of October if I could. The crisp fall weather washes over your senses and reminds you of afternoon […]
The Search for Signs of Hawaiian Life – Found at Cariloha St. Thomas
The Search for Signs of Hawaiian Life For Saturday, August 25, 2012 Aloha by any other name is still friendly and welcoming, as these Caribbean travelers discovered at Cariloha, a dress shop in St. Thomas, Virgin Islands, earlier this year. Photographer Evelyn Llamas of Honolulu said the shop owner defined “Cariloha” as “living the Caribbean […]