Every business encounters unforeseeable problems on a regular basis. How those problems are handled and resolved ultimately sets some businesses apart from the rest. Most customers understand this concept because we’ve all experienced good and bad customer service. Both the good and the bad leave lasting impressions. The organizations that continue to provide their customers […]
Bamboo to the Rescue in Dallas, Texas
Dear Cariloha, I received the [bamboo] pillowcases and [bamboo] shirts today. It is amazing how quickly you got that to us. I had a meeting in Dallas today with 15 Area Managers and 30 hotel managers, and I used our story not only to teach them about excellent customer service, but also I wrote the […]
Cariloha Weekend Party List – For Pete’s Sake
Cariloha Friday! It comes every week like a faithful friend who lives to cheer you up. TGIF! Let’s say making spontaneous plans is your fate this weekend. If that’s truly the case, then we have a few ideas that might just fuel your impulsive adventures. Always remember to party Cariloha style along the road to […]
Bamboo Gadgets Should Show Off Their Bamboo Side – Big or Small
Over the past several months, various companies and inventors have introduced an interesting assortment of technical gadgets that are encased in eco-friendly bamboo. I’ve seen everything from bamboo laptops and computer carriers to iPad covers and cell phone covers. Some organizations claim that these bamboo-based creations are made entirely of bamboo, while others serve up […]
Ecotistic Magazine Spotlights Cariloha Bamboo
Why Bamboo: Cariloha Posted by Antoinette & George Duenas on 21 Feb 2012 Cariloha is a new addition to our Gaslamp Quarter in San Diego that is bringing a sustainable lifestyle to you. It’s a one stop shop for your basic sustainable needs, with everything manufactured from unique bamboo fibers. There is a wide selection […]
Cariloha Weekend Party List – President’s Day Weekend
Cariloha Friday! And, President’s Day weekend! With Monday being a national holiday and paid day off for most U.S.-based employees, there’s an excuse for everyone to put on a party face and enjoy an extra long weekend. May we recommend picking up a stovepipe hat and a few American flags at your local party-supply store […]
Going Green Locally: Stay Cool, Wear Bamboo!
Going Green Locally: Stay Cool, Wear Bamboo! by Moms_GoingGreen on February 5, 2012 Cariloha, the successful ALL-bamboo store with locations in 9 countries, has just opened in San Diego. Cariloha is the only retailer in the world to provide an entire store experience that’s completely outfitted with merchandise made of bamboo. What you should know […]
Bamboo Brightens Barbados’ Minister of Tourism’s Day
Have you ever been to Barbados, the Caribbean’s most easterly island? Over the past two decades, it’s become one of the most popular cruise ship ports and tourist destinations in the Caribbean. I personally haven’t made my way to Barbados, but several of my Cariloha co-workers make several training trips to the island every year. […]