European diplomats, business owners, and every-day consumers seem to be wound up rather tightly these days. And for good reason too. Several countries’ economies are on the brink of collapse, particularly Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal and Ireland, and recovery solutions don’t seem, let’s say, as visibly apparent as spilled juice on the seat of your […]
Win Cariloha Bamboo Towels on Bamboo Bonus Weekly
Here’s some shameless plugging for Cariloha’s weekly contests that you’ve already seen or will see throughout the remainder of the year via Facebook and’s Bamboo Bonus page. This plug is more for you – the Cariloha fans – than for this blog. Forgive us if it feels a tad too corporate-speak or sales driven. […]
Free Drop-Shipped Bamboo Towels Make Happy Customers
Dear Cariloha, “WOW!!! Our beautiful towels were here waiting for us when we got home from our vacation and all I can say is WOW!!! They are even softer and more beautiful than I remembered!! My only regret is I didn’t get more!! Thanks so much for the ultra convenient free shipping service!!” “Please start […]
Cariloha Bamboo Towels – Therapuetic
Dear Cariloha, “I bought the three towel set that was made of all bamboo. Yes they are the softest towels I have ever used and what a great treat it is to dry yourself off with a soft towel. It has been so nice to dry myself off without pain. I have MS and at […]