Making bamboo clothing, bedding and bath goods part of your daily living could save you hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars every year. Compiled from firsthand customer feedback, Cariloha R&D testing, and my own personal observations, the following bamboo options could help save you some extra cash: 1. Save money on fabric softener. Because all […]
Cariloha Helps You See & Feel the Bamboo Difference for Yourself
Visitors of select Cariloha stores are already feeling the bamboo-soft difference for themselves thanks to a new “feel the difference” display that’s designed to educate customers on the real, tangible differences between Cariloha’s irresistibly soft, competitively priced bamboo goods and other similar products found in today’s marketplace. Basically, this display’s three triangular sections (shown above) […]
Let’s Make an Agreement with Cariloha Bamboo
Sometimes it seems impossible to agree with friends, coworkers or siblings on various controversial issues that flare up from time to time. What if, to make those disheartening disagreements a little more agreeable, you tried prearranging a fall-back item that you could both agree upon? And, maybe that pre-set item could be…bamboo. Think about it. […]
Cariloha’s New Bamboo Towel Sets Deliver Premium Softness, Absorbency
Everyone has spent a lot of money, or knows someone who has spent a lot of money on “quality towels,” only to find out once they get them home that they’re not as soft as advertised, and they don’t absorb as well as they would have hoped! Cariloha’s towels really are soft and absorbent! Finding […]
4 Tips for Bamboo Hanukkah Happiness
Celebrating Hanukkah this year? It begins at sundown on Tuesday, December 20, and ends at sunset on Wednesday, December 28, 2011. With bamboo already considered a universally kosher, clean plant, it seems only fitting to include it in your Hanukkah festivities this year. Here are four tips toward achieving bamboo Hanukkah happiness: 1. Play Bamboo […]
Cariloha Bamboo Goods Coming in 2012
Bringing you a plentiful supply of bamboo-soft goods last year and this coming year is what makes Cariloha such a popular stop on your shopping list. Maybe you brought home one or two bamboo goodies in 2011; but in case you didn’t, here’s what you can add to your bamboo must-have list: Cariloha Bamboo Products […]
Bamboo Snowboard Socks for Your Christmas Stocking
Finding a gift that’s both original and enjoyable during this gift-giving season can be challenging. To help you out of a bind, we’ve got a few gift recommendations from the world of bamboo that fit the ‘unique, affordable, enjoyable’ category. 1. Bamboo Towels by Cariloha – affordable, crazy soft and good for the environment. Every […]
Top 5 Reasons You Recommend Bamboo Towels
You and your friends love Cariloha bamboo towels – at least that’s what you tell us. You have your reasons for toweling off in crazy-soft comfort, and we don’t want to dispute them. We simply want to share them, so the bamboo love can spread far beyond the comforts of your own bathroom. So here […]