Dear Cariloha, WeWashingtons; Jeff, Stacey and Jay-William, just wanted to tell you how much we love all of your products. From the people who assisted us in the stores to the products we have had for years, nothing beats your T-shirts and sheets. We cruise a lot and have T-shirts from many of our cruise […]
Bamboo’s Reaches Bring More Bamboo Breeches
For most of us in the Western Hemisphere, we’ve likely seen strands of bamboo growing along our neighbor’s property line, or maybe a clump of bamboo growing in someone’s Asian-landscaped garden – but that’s the extent of it. We’ve never been exposed, up front and personal, to vast bamboo forests that stretch across thousands of […]
Union Tribune Spotlights Cariloha Bamboo Clothing & Store
SD store sells bamboo sheets, clothing Renewable resource said to be ‘softer than cotton’ Written by Tanya Mannes March 2, 2012 Taken a cruise lately? You might recognize the name on a new bamboo apparel store that just opened in San Diego. Cariloha is a 5-year-old company that sells very soft clothing, sheets and other […]
Cariloha Customer Service Made Better By You
Every business encounters unforeseeable problems on a regular basis. How those problems are handled and resolved ultimately sets some businesses apart from the rest. Most customers understand this concept because we’ve all experienced good and bad customer service. Both the good and the bad leave lasting impressions. The organizations that continue to provide their customers […]
Bamboo Brightens Barbados’ Minister of Tourism’s Day
Have you ever been to Barbados, the Caribbean’s most easterly island? Over the past two decades, it’s become one of the most popular cruise ship ports and tourist destinations in the Caribbean. I personally haven’t made my way to Barbados, but several of my Cariloha co-workers make several training trips to the island every year. […]
Bamboo’s Soft Hand Lends a Healing Touch
A family dilemma has been weighing on my mind lately, and I’ve debated whether or not to share it on this blog, but since it’s somewhat related to our ever-growing love for bamboo goods, I broke free from our conventional posts to talk about something a little more personal. My wife’s aunt was recently diagnosed […]
Weddings Down South Reviews Cariloha Bamboo Sheets
This delightful blog about weddings in the South (Southern United States) tailors its content towards how “the South does weddings.” With all its delicious cooking, elaborate decorations and century’s old traditions, the South truly does have a style and rapture all its own. And, Cariloha is honored that this southern blogger added bamboo sheets to […]
How Cariloha Bamboo Goods Can Save You Money in 2012 and Beyond!
Making bamboo clothing, bedding and bath goods part of your daily living could save you hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars every year. Compiled from firsthand customer feedback, Cariloha R&D testing, and my own personal observations, the following bamboo options could help save you some extra cash: 1. Save money on fabric softener. Because all […]