Making bamboo clothing, bedding and bath goods part of your daily living could save you hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars every year.
Compiled from firsthand customer feedback, Cariloha R&D testing, and my own personal observations, the following bamboo options could help save you some extra cash:
1. Save money on fabric softener. Because all our bamboo goods don’t require fabric softener, nor is it recommended, you can now pocket that extra $5.00 that you would have spent on softener every couple months.
2. Bamboo sheets last longer and make you feel better. Because of bamboo’s naturally antimicrobial properties, you seldom have to wash your sheets, which means you don’t waste as much water and detergent during the washing process, and you don’t have to buy replacement sheets as often. Although somewhat intangible, yet possibly the most cost-saving, money-generating benefit from bamboo out there, it’s that you’ll have an even more pleasant night’s sleep thanks to the bamboo softness in Cariloha sheets. Often times, a good night’s sleep is considered priceless.
3. Bamboo shirts save money in the long run. Because a bamboo shirt could quickly become your favorite shirt, you don’t end up spending your money on dozens of other shirts. Stick to bamboo. A bamboo shirt will last longer, keep you calmer, wick away more moisture, repel more odors, and help you maintain a calmer, cooler outlook.
4. Bamboo towels last longer; need less washing. Not to gross any of you out, but I’ve put my bamboo towels to the test, not washing them for several weeks. Mind you, this was just a test – not an indication of any poor hygienic habits. After several days, I thought there would be no question that a stink or some kind of mold, fungus or unfriendly microbe would appear. Nothing happened though. They continued smelling clean and fresh. I did finally wash them, of course – psychologically I couldn’t go any longer. The opposite result occurred by not washing my cotton towels – after just one week they began producing some noticeably nasty smells. Bottom line – your bamboo towels help build your bottom line, while keeping everything in between, above and below…clean.
5. Bamboo goods help you save on skin-irritation remedies. For those who suffer from any type of allergy or skin irritations, bamboo sheets, towels, socks and clothing help repel unwanted allergens or skin irritations. Customers who suffer from sensitive skin conditions have repeatedly commented that their bamboo towels, socks and sheets were the softest they had ever owned. And for the first time in as long as they could remember, they didn’t experience any skin allergy flare-ups. Cut down costs of allergy medication or skin creams with bamboo and have a more restful night’s sleep and towel off in comfort.
How else have bamboo goods saved you money? Share your experiences with the rest of us.