Cariloha Friday! And Memorial Day weekend – all rolled into one. I like weekends like these because they have something for everyone – family and friend get-togethers, visits to grave sites to memorialize loved ones gone by, burgers-on-the-breeze barbeques; and, if nothing else works, most people have the day off on Monday!
As you begin to test the weekend waters, be sure to get your Cariloha style on, letting it bring out the best in yourself and those around you. Remember your loved ones and esteem them highly.
Let’s get started. Dust of your dancing shoes and start tapping your toes and singing your heart out (today), then, slice up a piece of blueberry cheesecake or any kind of cherry dessert (tomorrow), next, slurp down a few grape popsicles, and if you’re near by, take a walk across the Golden Gate Bridge (Sunday), finally, grill up some goodness and honor your dearly departed (Monday). Have a safe and happy Memorial Day weekend!
However you approach your weekend, make it a memorable time and don’t forget to wrap up in your Cariloha bamboo-soft clothing, sheets or towels every day.
May 25 – May 28
25- Arthur’s Birthday (PBS Character)
25- Star Wars Birthday (Saga started this date in 1977)
25- National Missing Children’s Day
25- National Tap Dance Day
25- International Sing-out Day!
25- Indian Motorcycle Birthday 1901
25- National Something day
26- Sally Ride’s Birthday
26- National Senior Health and Fitness Day
26- Blueberry Cheese Cake Day
26- Celebrity Marriage Day
26- Cherry Dessert Day
26- Dracula’s Birthday 1897
27- Pop-Up Toaster Birthday 1918
27- National Grape Popsicle Day
27- Golden Gate Bridge Opens In 1937
27- Masking Tape Patented In 1930
27- Cellophane Tape Patented
28- National Hamburger Day
28- Morning Radio Wise Guy Day
28- Woman Trousers Day In 1923, the U.S. Attorney General determined that it was legal for women to wear trousers any time they wanted
28- Whooping Crane Day first born in captivity in 1975
28- Memorial Day (observed & actual day)
28- Daytime Emmy Birthday 1974
28- Sierra Club Founded