Dear Cariloha,
I received the [bamboo] pillowcases and [bamboo] shirts today. It is amazing how quickly you got that to us.
I had a meeting in Dallas today with 15 Area Managers and 30 hotel managers, and I used our story not only to teach them about excellent customer service, but also I wrote the name of your website on the dry erase board and told my entire crew and area managers they should do business with you. I hope they do.
I know I will and I will continue to use this scenario to teach my staff about going the extra mile for the guest/customer.
Thank you so much.
The shirts are a wonderful bonus!
Barbara B.
Texas/New Mexico
We’d really appreciate hearing more from our Cariloha customers and fans. Have you had a good experience with Cariloha that you’d like to share with others? Or, do you have pictures of you enjoying your bamboo clothing, bedding and bath goods? Send them to and we’ll post them on the blog.