Over the past several months, various companies and inventors have introduced an interesting assortment of technical gadgets that are encased in eco-friendly bamboo. I’ve seen everything from bamboo laptops and computer carriers to iPad covers and cell phone covers. Some organizations claim that these bamboo-based creations are made entirely of bamboo, while others serve up a percentage of actual bamboo used. For those who take the time to detail out the bamboo blends and exact material percentages, I salute and appreciate your attention to accurate information.
Most consumers know or are interested to know what eco-friendly products truly are made of. We understand that not every eco-friendly item in today’s marketplace is 100% eco-friendly. We realize that certain steps throughout product development and product introduction aren’t going to be completely green. But, the point is, people are generally happy to know that certain steps are being taken in the right direction toward being greener and better for the environment. A little forthrightness on product packaging and tagging goes a long way to seeing how the eco-friendly products are coming along these days and in the future.
Case in point, I saw today that the Edwards Company introduced a new Bluetooth keyboard that’s handmade of 92 percent bamboo. Right out of the shoot, no pun intended, the company states the percentage of bamboo used to make this item. They’re not claiming to be 100 percent eco-friendly perfect, but certainly better than 0 percent. The keyboard is compatible with iPads, iPhones, Macs, Androids, Window Mobile devices and other Bluetooth-enabled smartphones and table PCs. It also has a built-in rechargeable, lithium-ion battery and includes a USB charging cable.
At first blush, this bamboo keyboard most likely feels as cool as it looks. I’d definitely consider buying one, especially at the $99 retail price on www.izenbamboo.com. It’s an attention getter, and it makes me feel good that if ever I had to throw it away, it would decompose happily in some landfill.
Keep up the good work, ye makers of bamboo-based techie gadgets. We onlookers are enjoying your best efforts in making a more earth-friendly marketplace.
Source: Denverpost.com by the Vail Daily Staff on 2/23/2012 Read more: Edwards company creates bamboo keyboard – The Denver Post http://www.denverpost.com/business/ci_20026921#ixzz1nDaDnaP1