Cariloha Friday! Plus, Valentine’s Day weekend! Let me just start today’s post by saying we heart our Cariloha fans. Thanks for all your feedback, support and interest in Cariloha’s bamboo goods. For this weekend, may we recommend getting some conversation hearts or heart-shaped box of chocolates and letting cupid work his magic.
If Valentine’s Day makes you gag or depresses you to tears, then maybe consider this weekend’s party list, which has something for everyone to party Cariloha style.
Celebrate everything from Umbrella Day (today), National Inventor’s Day and Make-a-Friend Day (tomorrow), Abraham Lincoln’s Birthday and Pancake Day (Sunday), and Ferris Wheel Day and Valentine’s Day (Tuesday). Don’t cry over spilled milk, enjoy some plum pudding and look for all your lost pennies.
Another weekend to get inspired. Have fun and don’t forget to wrap up in your Cariloha bamboo-soft clothing, sheets or towels along the way.
February 10 – February 14
10- YWCA Birthday (1870)
10- Pro Sports Wives Day
10- Umbrella Day
11- Don’t Cry Over Spilled Milk Day
11- Thomas Edison’s Birthday Born in 1847
11- National Inventor’s day
11- Satisfied Staying Single Day
11- White T-Shirt Day
11- National Shut-in Visitation Day
11- Make a Friend Day
11- La-Z-Boy Chair Birthday (1948)
12- First Barbie Doll for Sale
12- Abraham Lincoln’s Birthday Born in 1809
12- Darwin Day
12- National Lost Penny Day
12- Clean Out Your Computer Day (Second Monday in February)
12- National Plum Pudding Day
12- Safety Pup Day
12- Pancake Day
13- Get a Different Name Day
13- Employee Legal Awareness Day
13- First Public School Established 1635
14- Ferris Wheel Day
14- Valentine’s Day
14- League of Women Voters Day
14- Read To Your Child Day
14- National Have a Heart Day
14- Telephone Birthday (1876)
As for me, I’m really looking forward to Have-a-Heart Day and Valentine’s Day. Every year for the past eight years, my wife and I have dined at the Five-Alls restaurant, enjoying an old English five-course dinner together. Since fancy dinners and night’s out on the town seldom ever happen, I’ll be soaking up every minute of it.